When you're planning a trip outside our escorted tours, travel during the low season (October–March), as prices are lower.
Be flexible with travel plans. Consider visiting a different country—an area with a favorable dollar exchange rate.
Take advantage of the latest discounts available. Book early and save $$.
Take an escorted tour vacation. You'll be privy to more sights, more insight, and more fun at a pre-set price.
Take your friends on vacation with you but If you're traveling alone, consider our escorted tour vacations. Group Travel rates are better.
Look Ahead Before you Depart
Are you a member of a museum or arts organization? Sometimes your membership rewards will translate to other city/country museums.
If you're planning to call home while traveling (always a good idea), either buy a calling card or contact your cell phone company beforehand to set up international calling.
Don't wait to get (or renew) your passport. You don't want to have to pay "rush"-related charges.
Take a snack and drink on the plane/bus so you can eat without paying for airline food. Not all travel companies provide snacks and water. But we do at ReCreation Adventure Tours!
Getting Around on your Journey
Some trips will require walking, bring good shoes.
All our trips include transportation. But sometimes you will have free time. A great romantic evening doesn't have to cost money. Consider a moonlit walk through the streets of Paris at twilight.
During your excursions, follow the crowd. They may lead you to parades, festivals, and farmers markets.
When walking through various destinations, ask the locals about the history of the neighborhood. You'll learn about the area and gather insight that will make your vacation more memorable.
Stop and take in street entertainment—it's free and gives you a sense of the culture.
People-watch in parks, piazzas, and on beaches. It's fun, intriguing, and free.
Meet your fellow travelers in the hotel lobby for games, cards and entertaining evenings.
Tidbits of Good Info!
Email is an effective and inexpensive way to stay connected to loved ones.
Consider sending E-postcards from the hotel business office, for a way to stay in touch.
Are you honeymooning or celebrating an anniversary? Tell people and let them in on the fun, sometimes there are discounts and/or special treats during your vacation.
Bringing back a souvenir for a friend or family member is an easy way to spend a lot. It's okay to ask about price and request a suggestion that will save you money. Practice your "haggling" skills when purchasing goods from a destination. As long as you're not buying at a chain store, negotiation is always a possibility.
Send postcards instead of buying souvenirs—good ole' snail mail is such a rarity that you'll be sure to delight friends and family with your memories while on your vacation.
Financial Tips!
When money is a concern, try these easy-to-follow tips:
Pay with a credit card, but keep track of your expenses. Then, pay off your card when you return from your vacation, ensuring you aren't paying interest for your memories.
Be wary of "freebies"—they aren't always complimentary or free.
Plan your daily budget. Determine, in advance of your trip, how much you're willing to spend each day and stick to it.
Before you go, get familiar with both exchange rates and tipping standards. Many countries do not abide by the same rules and there's no good reason to over-tip.
Practical Decisions on Vacation!
Carry snacks and water as you go from place to place. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and save costs.
When traveling overseas, get the best exchange rate possible. Use ATMs like you would at home; they are exchanged based on the wholesale exchange rate, something usually reserved only for very large interbank exchanges.
Carry your own bags, coats, etc. Tips can rack up the cost of your vacation. Most luggage services are covered in our group tours.
Most hotels will have free internet available or use guest sites at tour locations.
Avoid ordering room service; it can be more expensive (especially with delivery charges and tips) and will take away an opportunity to get to know your destination.
Now that you're here!
Plan your meals wisely, and you'll find yourself with extra money for other experiences in your destination.
Don't eat at tourist landmarks and eat outside tourist traps.
Eat where the locals eat—the food will be higher quality at a lower cost.
Drink lots of water during your vacation. Some extended travel can result in dehydration.
Take your leftovers back to your hotel, if you have a microwave and/or a refrigerator in your room.
Snack often versus indulging in large meals
NEVER indulge in the food from your hotel mini bar or room fridge.
Pack Appropriately
Pack carefully and keep airport security restrictions in mind.
Don't over-pack. Most airlines have restrictions on baggage and suitcases weighing more than 50 pounds. If overweight, you'll pay extra.
Check the weather before you go so you don't have to purchase weather-appropriate clothes and accessories on your trip.
Bring a camera and extra batteries. Don't wait to buy a camera, film, and batteries on your trip—it will be more expensive.
Bring your own over-the-counter drugs for colds, headaches, so you're not paying high prices for medicine you're unfamiliar with.
Follow airline rules. Make sure you're adhering to the three-ounce restrictions on liquids.
Protect your wallet/purse and take precautions to safeguard your funds from pickpockets.
Consider folding and packing a duffle bag in your suitcase. If you get to the airport and your luggage is overweight, move some belongings to the duffle bag and carry it on your flight with you.
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